Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Backing up your images.

Now today I'm going to talk about backing up your images. If you haven't already got them backed up now is the time to do it.
I would suggest you have at least TWO different back-ups, don't rely on any one system. I use two external hard drives and dvd's to back up too, ideally one set kept off site (your mums house/work/even the shed) anything that separates it from the house or office so if you have a flood or fire you still have your images.
Why do we need to back up? Simply because all hard drives will fail at some point, they might last for years or they might last days, sadly theres no real way to tell. I have had quite a few either fail totally or get killed by virus's over the years, luckly I keep everything backed up so this far I have been lucky. I do know a few people who have lost all their images because a drive has failed, don't think it can't happen to you.

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